1. Manuscripts should be submitted by an email.

  2. Text should be typed in Times new Roman font (Regular) with font size 12 with 3cm margin on each side on A4 paper with all the pages numbered at the upper right hand corner.

  3. Title should be concise and title page should contain keywords (not more than 6), with full names and addresses of authors.

  4. Abstract should be on the second page with no more than 150 to 200 words reflecting the major outcome of the work to be published.

  5. Digital photographs, graphs and hand drawings (scanned at 300dpi for clarity in publication) should be submitted in Tag Images File Format (TIFF). Figures, drawings and Digital images should be tagged with magnification line and should be numbered with Arabic numbers.

  6. For measurements metric system (SI) should be followed.

  7. The use of species names should follow the ICZN 2000  (

  8. References should be on the following pattern (full name of Journal should be given):

Reference to article in a journal

Bharti, H. 2003. Queen of the Army Ant Aenictus pachycerus (Hymenopetra, Formicidae, Aenictinae). Sociobiology 42(3): 715-718

Reference to book:

Bingham, C.T. 1903. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Hymenoptera 2. Ants and cuckoo-wasps. London: Taylor & Francis. 506 pp

Reference to chapter in book:

Watanasit, S. 2003. Evaluation of sampling method techniques for ants in rubber plantations. In: Mohamed, M., Fellowes, J. and Yamane, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd ANeT Workshop and Seminar, University of Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia: 87-94.

Reference to article on the Internet:

ICS. 2008.The International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), 2008. Accessed online at


       1.     Title page with keywords, names and addresses of author

       2.    Second page with Abstract

       3.     Introduction

       4.     Materials and Methods (if any)

       5.     Results followed by discussion

       6.     Acknowledgements

       7.     References

       8.     Declaration letter available on Publication ethics and Malpractices webpage of the journal