1.Publication Ethics
The journal doesn’t support plagiarism and use of any fraudulent data. Furthermore, the work submitted for publication in the journal should not at the same time be submitted in any other journal till the final decision of the Editorial Board.

The authors should clearly cite all the relevant literature pertaining to the work submitted for publication in the text as well as in the references section. The author(s) is also required to mention the funding source and agency (if any) which has provided assistance to carry out the research work.

2. Author's responsibilities

For authentication and improvement (if any) of the submitted MS, the journal follows a strict peer review policy and desires that the authors should act in accordance with the reviewer’s comments and for betterment of the MS should participate in peer review process and are encouraged to submit MS after retractions or corrections. If in any case, an article is to be retracted from the journal during the publication process, the authors should clearly mention the reasons for withdrawal.

The journal’s policy requires a declaration certificate, duly signed by the author(s) regarding the originality of the work. It should certify that:

“The findings/interpretations presented in the manuscript are original in nature except where stated otherwise and no part of work has been submitted for publication elsewhere. The data presented in the article are authentic, and all authors have agreed to the submission, have significantly contributed to the research and hold ethical /moral responsibility regarding legitimacy of the research work”.

3. Peer review Process and Responsibility of the Reviewers

After the initial editorial assessment, the article is subject to a peer review by two or more independent reviewers which have no conflict of interest with respect to research or funding.

During the peer review process, the reviewers should maintain the confidentiality and provide objective judgements regarding the MS. The lacunae in research work must be clearly cited, and non-citation of relevant literature by the authors should be highlighted.

4. Editorial responsibilities

After submission, the article is subject to assessment by the editors and it is their moral/ethical obligation to accept/reject the article based on the merit, without any conflict of interest. The editors are supposed to accept the article for peer review when they are reasonably sure about the quality and authenticity of work, while doing so the anonymity of reviewers should be preserved. The editors should encourage the author(s) to complete the peer review process and submit the final MS with retractions and corrections duly incorporated.

5. Publishing ethics issues

The journal requires the Editorial Board to monitor and safeguard publishing ethics issues and should not under any circumstances compromise the intellectual and ethical standards of the journal. The members of the board should maintain the sanctity and integrity of the academic record and is bound to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies whenever required. It should discourage plagiarism for the betterment of science.